
Transform Your Medical Transcriptions with AI

Generate accurate and cost-effective medical transcriptions. Save valuable time and focus more on patient care, while we handle the transcriptions.

Experience the benefits of AI-powered transcriptions

Extreme performance

Our AI technology ensures rapid and precise transcription of your medical audios.


Say goodbye to hours of manual transcribing. Let our service do the work for you.


Affordable pricing without compromising on quality.

Extract Health Data

Understand and extract health data from medical audio and records, such as prescriptions, procedures, or diagnoses.

HIPAA Compliant

We strictly adhere to HIPAA regulations, ensuring the highest level of confidentiality and security, safeguarding patient privacy at every step.

Transcribe and Analyze Health Data in One Simple Step

Generate accurate and cost-effective medical transcriptions. Understand and extract health data from medical audio and text, such as prescriptions, procedures, or diagnoses.

Get started
Upload Your Audio

Submit your medical audio files securely through our platform.

AI Transcribes

Our advanced AI gets to work, transcribing your files swiftly and accurately.

Extract Medical Entities

Automatically extracts medical conditions and medications.

Extract Medical Ontologies

Automatically links extracted entities to medical ontologies

Always know what you’ll pay,

Pay-As-You-Go, charged per minute of audio.


You only pay for the number of minutes you process.

No hidden fees, no surprises.

Get Started

High-Accuracy Medical Transcription

Receive precise and reliable transcriptions for your medical audio files.

Advanced Entity Extraction

Benefit from cutting-edge technology to extract relevant medical entities from your transcripts.

Secure Storage

Your data is stored safely, ensuring hipaa compliance and accessibility.

Seamless Accessibility

Easily access your transcriptions and associated data through a user-friendly interface.

Scalable and Reliable Processing

Our system scales with your needs, providing consistent and efficient service regardless of volume.

Frequently Asked Questions